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To register refer to the Registration Page

Player Grade/Age Requirements

  • Registration and team formation is based upon a combination of player's grade in school and typical age for the grade, e.g. 6th Grade/12U. 
  • Due to some variability of ages in each grade, there is a specific age requirement mandated by the MBL:  The player age before May 1 will determine any placement revisions.  In the above example if the 6th grade player is 13 on April 30, the player will be placed in 13U, rather than 12U.  This rule applies only to movement of a player up an age level; therefore, a 6th grade player that is 11 on May 1 would remain in 12U.
  • NPYBA policy is for a player to play with his grade, unless mandated by MBL Age Restrictions to move up an age level.  Additional Examples: 
    • 3rd grade - 9U
    • 4th grade - 10U
    • 5th grade - 11U
    • 6th grade - 12U
    • 7th grade - 13U
    • 8th grade - 14U
    • 9th grade - 15U
    • 10th grade - 16U/Jr. Legion

8 Year Old (2nd Graders) Participation

  • 8 Year old (2nd graders) players are allowed to tryout for 9U teams. 
  • 8 Year olds are not necessarily guaranteed placement. 
  • Placement will be determined by skill level based upon the evaluation process and board approval. 
  • If an 8 Year old is registered and not placed on a team due to tryout numbers, skill level, or other circumstances, the registration fee will be refunded in full. 
  • Priority will be given to 9 year olds (3rd graders).  8 year olds are encouraged to participate in the 8U Rookie League.

League Expectations

  • Team play consists of a 12-16 game schedule (depending on age group) and league playoffs.
  • Teams participate in a minimum of two tournaments, and State Tournament(s) if a berth is granted. 
  • Teams are aligned into MBL Regions with typical travel from New Prague of less than 90 minutes.  Teams played include:  Northfield, Farmington, Shakopee, Waconia, Mankato, Burnsville, Bloomington, Lakeville, etc. 
  • Play is completed in early to mid July, including playoffs and the State tournament.
  • 9U players WILL play an MBL league schedule and two tournament similar to other ages.  9U as with all teams could play in a State Tournament if they qualify or if the coach's attempt for an at large State Tournament bid.
  • MBL only has two League options for 9U, AAA and AA, after tryouts NPYBA will determine the most appropriate level for all of the 9U players.  Most likely option is a combination of 9U AA and 10U A teams.  Our goal is to place each player at the appropriate level.

Registration Fees

$450 (includes pants, socks, belt, hat, two shirts and Winter Training sessions)  Fee is due AT time of registration,

Registration information can be found here.


Funds raised are used for overall or longer term program investments and improvements, such as team equipment, field improvements, etc.  There will be an option to pay a fundraising fee rather than complete the fundraiser.  This fundraising fee can be paid at time of registration.

Visit the Fundraising page for more information.

NPYBA Handbook

The NPYBA Handbook must be reviewed by all coaches/parents/legal guardians of players. By completing the registration form and process, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to/accept the terms and information contained in the handbook.  Click here to view the handbook.